Ecomail innovates by offering the sending of temporary attachments. A temporary attachment is an attachment that has a maximum lifespan of 30 days. After these 30 days, the attachment is deleted from our servers.
Why is it better?
By automatically deleting the file from storage servers, we save resources and, therefore, energy and water. Fewer resources to power, less digital pollution!
How does it work?

When you compose a new message, on the right side of the screen you can find “options and attachments.” At the very top of this section of your screen, you will find a field allowing you to send your temporary attachment.
You have the option to check the box “Delete after the first download” so that the attachment is deleted from our servers immediately after it is downloaded by your recipient.
Once the attachment is sent, the attachment appears in the body of your email.

When your recipient receives your email, they can click on “Download” and they will be directed to a page allowing them to download the specified file.

Once the file is downloaded, if you checked the box “Delete after the first download,” the file will be deleted from our servers. If you did not check it, the download link will remain active for 30 days.